Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ah...the great outdoors - mostly!

    Summer is a great time to take your exercise program outside – there are so many great workouts and physical activities to enjoy!  But moving your workout from the gym to the great outdoors can have its downsides. Here's what you need to know before heading out for a sweat.

    Remember the sunscreen (bet you never heard THAT one before). You want to “feel the burn” from your workout, but not on your skin. Slather that sunscreen on from head to toe and remember to reapply it every 2 hours, or even more often if you’re really sweating  And just because you’re swimming and underwater doesn’t mean you can’t sunburn.  Quite the opposite! The sun's rays bounce off the water and the ground below to penetrate the skin on both sides of your face, so be sure you use lots of waterproof protection.

    Be sure to keep those fluids coming!  By the time you’re craving an icy cold glass of water, your body is already partially dehydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout. And remember that you still sweat even when you're swimming, doing water aerobics or surfing, so leave a bottle of water on the shore or at the side of the pool.

    Finally, sometimes it’s just too hot to exercise outside.  That sluggish feeling could be a sign of heat exhaustion, when your internal thermostat is no longer able to effectively cool the body. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include an accelerated heartbeat, dizziness and clammy skin. Trying to push through the symptoms might result in a potentially life threatening heat stroke. Instead, find some shade or air conditioning and drink lots of water. If you still feel dizzy after 30 minutes, call a doctor